Content Governance Engine

Prevent old, outdated, and unverified content from surfacing on your intranet. MangoApps empowers network admins to create a comprehensive, updated digital library of company information that employees can confidently trust.

Automated Content Archival

Leverage MangoApps to curate a reliable knowledge hub for your organization. Automatically archive outdated and unverified content, guaranteeing that employees only have access to the latest and verified information.

    Auto-Governance Policy Configuration

    Adapt content governance to your organization’s rhythm. Domain and governance admins can customize auto-review and archival cycles, proactively managing all intranet content. Stay in control and optimize your organization’s content lifecycle with flexibility and precision.

      Keep Content Fresh & Current

      MangoApps’ Governance Engine auto-computes the freshness index of your organization’s intranet, providing admins with valuable real-time insights. Monitor archived content, track items under governance, and gauge content freshness in projects, groups, and departments, all conveniently visualized on the Overview Dashboard.

      Our compliance team loves [MangoApps Auto-Governance] because it's something that they had to previously manage on their own. With this, you see exactly what is due to be reviewed and easily update and maintain all of those things.

      Mike Merling

      Director of Application Development

      KM2 Solutions

      Efficient Workflows with Automation Rules

      Establish automation rules for the automatic review and archival of pages, files, wikis, posts, libraries, and courses on your intranet, customized to your employee’s workflows. Enhance efficiency, ensure accuracy, and maintain an organized digital environment for your organization.

      Content Expiration Notifications & Alerts

      Stay ahead of content expiration with automated notifications that alert authors and admins a specified number of days before content becomes unverified or archived. Maintain timely review of expiring content and keep your intranet consistently fresh and relevant.

        Accurate and Relevant Content Retrieval

        Quickly find the most up-to-date and relevant content with MangoApps’ Federated Search, integrated with our Content Governance Engine. Content Auto-Governance ensures outdated information is deprioritized, promoting easy access to the latest verified and accurate resources for all employees.

        Content Lifecycle Management

        Control the publishing lifecycle for any piece of content and monitor movement through different governance stages. Authors and admins can track content from a bird’s eye view as it goes from verified, to unverified, to archived, until eventually deleted.

          Establish Governance Administrators

          Create a custom admin role to manage Auto-Governance within your network. Governance admins gain permissions to oversee and manage items under governance, configure automation rules, and tailor governance policies to their organization’s unique needs.

          Governance Audit Logs

          Keep track of all admin changes to the Auto-Governance Engine with detailed audit logs that are available at a moment's notice. Access and manage a comprehensive record of actions, providing a clear trail of governance decisions that ensure accountability and transparency within your organization.

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