Achievements & Badging

MangoApps Levels and Badges foster learning and friendly coworker competition with engaging achievements and activities. Users level up as they increase their experience and collect customizable badges by completing tasks.

  • Help employees track their personal progress and monitor individual growth in a fun and engaging environment.
  • Encourage friendly competition with points, levels, badges, and other customizable company achievements.
  • Reward hard-working employees with distinguished badges they can proudly display on their profile page.
  • Help employees support each other and encourage success with new badge and level up notifications.
Achievements & Badging

Encourage Participation With Levels & Badges

Gamification points in MangoApps create an air of friendly competition, incentivizing engagement with levels and badges.

  • See an optional leaderboard of your most active employees
  • Levels and badges are added to employee profiles in the directory
  • Create custom badges to reinforce your culture and values

Build A Digital Reputation

Take your company culture and employee engagement to the next level by allowing employees to build their ‘individual brand’ while being an active daily user.

Achievements & Badging

Accumulate Points

Points are allocated for activities a user performs across the domain. Receiving points depends on key attributes such as frequency of participation, contribution type, contribution to projects, etc.

Earn Badges

Users are awarded badges for earning a certain level, amount of points, or completing a specific action/mission. Badges can be displayed on a user’s employee profile.

Competitive Leaderboard

Users are able to check the leaderboard to see the top influencers or contributors in the company, providing acknowledgement or competitive spirit.

Daily Limits

To deter users from completing excessive daily activities just to get points, there is a daily limit of points earned.

More unique features to love

Actual customer use-cases

See How it Works