What’s Removed/Changed in Release 12.5

This is the list of items that have been removed or changed starting this release

  • Events from Public Teams in Calendar: From this release onwards, events in “public” teams that you aren’t a member of won’t show up in your calendar. Events from all teams (projects, groups, departments) that you’re a member of will continue to show up as before.
  • Guest Users in People Search: From this release onwards, the search type ahead in people module will not list guest users. This is done to match the people directory list.
  • Edit of Excel Files: From this release onwards, the menu on the file viewer to edit excel documents in windows office plugin has been removed. This has been done to address this issue – https://www.mangoapps.com/help/how-to-remove-workbook-sharing-message-for-an-excel-uploaded-online-on-mangoapps. To edit excel documents we recommend using Office 365 Online which provides editing capabilities inside the browser without having to download the file (More info on online editing & viewing of excel documents is here – https://www.mangoapps.com/releases/guide/mangoapps-office-365-integrated/ )