What’s New For Domain Admin

Here is the list of new admin features & improvements that are available in this release

Integrate With NetSuite using MangoApps NetSuite Connector

  • Domain admins with this release can integrate MangoApps with NetSuite using MangoApps NetSuite Connector
  • This integration allows users, companies, groups & group membership information in NetSuite to be synced into MangoApps
  • Users synched from NetSuite are created as network or guest users in MangoApps. If the domain part of the email (“@companyname.com”) matches the company’s domain address then they become network users and if it domain part of the email doesn’t match they become guest users
  • Companies in NetSuite are created as companies in MangoApps as well
  • A user can be associated to one company (automatically via the sync process or manually by the domain admin)
  • Groups in NetSuite when synced can be setup to become teams. Domain admin can pick the type of team to be a group, project, department or opportunity in MangoApps
  • Group memberships if configured in NetSuite is also kept in sync with MangoApps
  • Domain admin has the ability to schedule the sync to happen once every 5 mins / 1 hour / 4 hours / 8 hours / 24 hours
  • There is a new “Connector Log” that gives domain admins insights into the status of each sync operation
  • Any NetSuite configuration change in MangoApps is logged in the “Audit Log” for all domain admins to know
  • MangoApps NetSuite Connector calls the RESTlets running on NetSuite making the integration secure (HTTPS using Token Based Authentication) and lightweight (JSON) compared to other NetSuite integration options

Setup Personal Assistants

  • Domain admin can now setup specific users to be assistants for executives
  • An assistant can share an update or share a post on behalf of an executive
  • The assistant needs to have the same permission as the executive they would post on behalf of (e.g.,  if the executive is an intranet admin the assistant also needs to be an intranet admin in order to create a company post)
  • Assistant can schedule a post on behalf of the executive as well
  • One user can be the assistant for multiple executives. One executive can have multiple assistants
  • Each update or post shared by the assistant is logged in the new “Assistant Log” with a link to the update/post
  • When an assistant is added or remove an audit log entry is created

Control On Auto-Provisioning Of Users

  • As part of SSO using Office 365 or GoogleApps new users can be auto-provisioned/auto-created in MangoApps when they login for the 1st time
  • The auto-provisioning/auto-creation can now be controlled by the domain admin in MangoApps

Single Logout (SLO) Support Added

  • Earlier this year MangoApps provided SSO (Single Sign On) feature as a SAML provider. With this release MangoApps has added support for SLO (Single Logout) feature as well
  • A service / app can now use MangoApps SLO API to securely logout the user. On successful logout the service/app will receive a valid SAML logout assertion response on the SLO URL configured by the domain admin in MangoApps
  • MangoApps supports HTTP-Redirect and HTTP-POST bindings for SSO & SLO.

Profile Field Enhancements

  • A new section in profile has been added called “Addresses” that allows users to enter multiple addresses (e.g., work, home) on their profile pages
  • As a domain admin you can change the section title

Control Sharing Of GIFs

  • As a domain admin you can control if GIFs can be shared in your domain
  • By default this setting is turned on. If turned off users in your domain will not be able to share GIFs in both news feed and chat.