New Additions to Open APIs

New APIs Added

  • Create a project using an existing project template via API
  • Update user profile information via API
  • Ability to get and set project custom fields via API
  • Create a event and add to MangoApps calendar via API
  • Ability to submit a time log entry into a project via API
  • Create/Edit projects with custom fields support using API
  • Ability to get your notifications using API
  • Ability to get primarily/secondary only feeds using API

Existing APIs Changed

  • Create project now supports sending in project categories and project custom fields in the API
  • Adding members to a project now supports adding them as admins of the project via the API
  • Getting a list of all posts now returns first 500 characters for each post. You can still retrieve the full content for a specific post as before.

Checkout complete set of APIs at