Assessment using Quizzes

Use quiz type of chapter to test the understanding of the learners who have gone thru’ the chapters in self-paced learning courses

  • Create Assessment/Test using Quiz in Self-Paced Courses

    • Self-Paced courses support a chapter of type “Quiz” to create a assessment/test in a course and track answers
    • A quiz support the following type of questions
      • Multiple-choice question: This type of question is one in which the learner has to pick one (or more) answers from a list of possible answers
      • Free text question: The learner can type a free-form answer to the question.
    • After creating a quiz chapter you can order it like any other chapter
    • Multiple choice type of questions are automatically graded
    • As a course author you can create any number of quizzes in a course


  • Quiz Settings

    • Each quiz can be configured with the following options
    • Passing score: Defaults to 50% of the multiple-choice questions, you can set this to higher or lower to make the test harder or easier to pass.
    • Randomization: This sections allows you to shuffle questions and/or answers between learners
    • Completion: The section lets you configure that on quiz completion, whether to show the correct answers if the learner passed or to show the correct answers always in the end.
    • Navigation: This section lets you configure if the learner can go to the next question without answering the current question
    • Message configuration: This section lets you setup the message the user will see when they get a pass score vs when they don’t get the pass score