Desktop & Mac Enhancements

MangoApps desktop & mac apps in this release have added the following enhancements

  • Priority IM using important messages

    Regular IM in MangoApps work perfectly for most situations. But some situations are so time-sensitive that they could use a stronger signal. That’s why MangoApps is introducing Priority Messaging, to help you emphasize your most important IM and encourage quicker response times.

    Marking a message as “Important” would:

    • Keep the message at the top of recipient’s inbox until they are read.
    • Generate a special notification sound to get the recipient’s attention.
    • Override any muting setting that may have been set by the recipient.
    • Have a visual clue using a red label marked as “Important”.
    • Generate notifications twice, with a gap of 2 minutes if they are not read.
    • Instantly give you visibility into when the important message was read.
    • Additionally, if you’re waiting too long for a reply to your IM, you can now re-send that message as an important message.

  • Misc improvements

    • SSO login dialog now support login to all to SSO providers configured by the admin.