Bug Fixes in this Release

This is the list of bugs reported in earlier versions of MangoApps that have been fixed in this release

  • People Search Results: The fields that are hidden by the admin in the user profile were showing up in search results. This has now been fixed to show only fields that are enabled by the admin in search results.
  • Order of Posts: Edit of posts saved in draft was impacting the order of the posts in the company news. This has now been fixed to ensure that the order of posts is driven by published date only.
  • Video in Posts: In the news feed for post when there is a video, it wasn’t showing correctly in the feed. This issue has been fixed.
  • User Email Address: The user email addresses now support an apostrophe in them. The issue of user invites failing due to this has been fixed.
  • Browsing Groups: When browsing groups by category the group filter of all groups / my groups was incorrectly selected. This issue has been fixed.
  • Mentions in Questions Widget: Mention of users in the questions widget on the dashboard wasn’t highlighted. This issue has been fixed.
  • Move Files: File names with non-ascii characters, the move from one folder to another used to fail. This issue has been fixed and files can be moved now.
  • Date Picker in Reports: In the generate reports flow, the date picker upon choosing a date from it transposed from MM/DD/YYYY to DD/MM/YYYY. This issue has been fixed.
  • Duplicate of Dynamic Pages: Duplicate of a dynamic page with widgets from one team to another did not update the team id of the widgets resulting in the widgets still showing the wrong team data. This issue has been fixed.
  • >5K Users in Team Notifications: Real-time notifications in teams with >5K users at times used to fail. This issue has been fixed.