Get Up & Running With Basic System & Settings

Setup MangoApps Servers

Shared Cloud – server setup is completed automatically for you!  You can skip to the next step.

Private Cloud and On-Premise installations – contact your MangoApps Customer Success Manager for detailed instructions for server setup

Invite Project Team

After the installation is complete, it’s time to invite in your core stakeholders and network administrators.  Choose your preferred method for importing users.

Setup Default Settings

The Admin Portal will be the first place to explore. You are able to customize default settings at both the network-level and user-level.

Things To Consider

Tips & Tricks for setting up MangoApps.

  • Disable all email notifications during initial setup – this allows you to make changes and add content without triggering automatic email notifications to your users.  Once you have your content loaded, you can then re-enable email notifications again.
  • Public File Sharing – Decide if you want users to be able to create links to files which can be shared and accessed publicly outside your network.
  • Enable/disable AutoFollow for users – Do you want all employees to automatically follow each other? (recommended for smaller organizations)
  • Setup a default session timeout – Automatic logout after a set period of inactivity
  • Require a more secure password for users – control the required length and complexity of password (does not apply if AD/LDAP authentication is enabled)
  • Create a superuser password – this allows any any Network Admin to login as a specific user, to edit settings for that specific user.  Just login with the user’s login ID and the superuser password.

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