The Top Six MangoApps Employee Dashboard Benefits

MangoApps employee dashboard benefits

The MangoApps employee dashboard provides a central location for employees to access, interact with and analyze up-to-date company information. Making sure that your employees have relevant information on hand helps them complete their tasks and make smarter data-driven decisions. Our dashboard provide admins the ability to monitor and measure employee engagement in real-time and on the go. MangoApps employee dashboards have outstanding features that provide your employees with valuable information and insights in real time.

The Top 6 Benefits Of MangoApps Employee Dashboard:

#1: Increase Efficiency 

Having a wealth of updated information and resources at your fingertips will naturally make work more efficient. When employees don’t have to look for information from their departments and projects, they experience less work fatigue. This results in happier, more productive, and more efficient workers.  In addition to making life easier, having company news easily accessible on your dashboard makes it easier to utilize. MangoApps employee dashboard benefits employees with time management as well by including tools like tasks and calendars that help them to stay organized and plan their day.

#2: Improve Goal Outcomes

MangoApps gives admins the ability to set dashboard layouts, customize their appearance, and have complete access over published content. Admins also have access to a unique admin portal where they can change domain-wide settings. These comprehensive controls help admins implement company-wide strategies with ease. Management can organize long-term and short-term goals with confidence, knowing that the changes, updates, and information will be quickly and effectively distributed throughout the entire company.

#3: Easily Share Information

Content-driven widgets on MangoApps employee dashboard benefits marketing and HR teams by helping them capture useful insights. MangoApps allows you to format posts in a variety of styles, ensuring that users consume content exactly how it was intended. Creators also have the option of enabling or disabling comments on posts, allowing them to gain employee insight, opinions and perspectives when appropriate. Advanced admin tools can track activities like user engagement and analytics, helping admins learn who has seen specific content.

#4: Boost Employee Engagement

Another benefit of the employee dashboard is that you can improve employee engagement with an internal communication strategy. Unlike emails, where responses quickly become messy and disorganized, internal dashboard communication is straightforward, easy to follow, and ensures that each employee is regularly notified and engaged in discussions. User engagement is much easier for admins to monitor as well. MangoApps provide admins with reports that groups employees by their level of engagement. These reports give admins an idea of how active users are, and helps them set goals for increased employee engagement.

#5: Encourage Team Progress

With an employee dashboard, teams are better able to update, monitor and achieve outcomes. This allows everyone on the team to know what is being done, what needs to be worked on, and who to talk to about their tasks.

#6: Become A Truly Digital Company

Employees work in new ways and need companies and organizations that promote and encourage these new structures and styles. MangoApps employee dashboard benefits employees not just in the office but outside the office as well. Dashboards can be accessed and utilized from anywhere and on any device, making them the perfect tool to encourage knowledge across organizations while bringing your company up to date and into the digital age.

Learn More

MangoApps employee dashboards help both employers and employees develop long-lasting and far-reaching results well beyond the abilities of email or even traditional intranet. We’re excited to work with you and discover how MangoApps can best benefit your company.

If you would like to learn more about how MangoApps’ employee dashboards can assist your organization, schedule a personalized demo today.

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